Radiology Technician in California


 A radiology tech is a medical worker that performs imaging of the human body for diagnosis or treating medical problems. If you desire to have a radiology career in California, there are skills and requirements to obtain. The California Department of Health Services must license a radiologic technologist as a Certified Radiologic Technologist. Potential technicians should have a certificate, associate or bachelors degree. However, in order to take the state examination, applicants must have a radiologic technology degree which is offered by a community college, vocational school, university or hospital. The average salary for rad tech in CA is about $78,000 a year, which makes it worth the hard work and training. For more information about radiologic technologist salary, you can get more data here. With the right preparation and education, individuals who proceed in radiologic technology can definitely become successful.


 There are several schools in CA that offer radiology programs. City College of San Francisco or CCSF has low-cost credit and free noncredit courses. Financial aid is rewarded for those who qualify and a enrollment fee per semester unit is $46. However, non-California residents have to had graduated from a California high school and complete a nonresident tuition exemption form to attend. For admittance students have to apply, take a placement test, attend orientation, meet with a counselor, then enroll for classes. They are also offered employment opportunities both on-campus and off.


 Loma Linda University is a church affiliated private school. It is great for students who are religious and have certain values. They can admit through an online application, have a transcript, then schedule an appointment with a school advisor. Tuition for an Associate in Science degree is about $14,896. However, to be eligible for admission, you must have first completed 64 semester hours at a previous college.

 Pasadena City College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community or Junior Colleges. Additionally, they have a great fast track program that preps high students for college. They offer online courses and require applicants to first apply, complete the orientation, have placement testing, attend group counseling , then register for classes. Also, the tuition enrollment fee is $46. If you are passionate about achieving a career in radiology technology, it would benefit greatly from colleges that are both scholarly and accredited.


Career Outlook

 Whether students are international or local, attending school in CA does not have to be complicated. Individuals should first research potential colleges, their tuition, programs and living expenses to make sure they’re making the right decision. Although college takes discipline, it creates knowledge and great memories. Students who desire to become medical radiation technologist should train hard, be studious and hard work will definitely pay off.